Saint Philip Parish Religious Education Student Registration Form

Religious Education  - 2023-2024  (Monday evenings – 6:30pm to 7:45pm)

Registration Fee:  $45 for one child; $30 for each additional child with a maximum of $75

A copy of student’s Baptism Certificate is required. Please complete and submit the form below to enroll your child in the Saint Philip Religious Education program.

Please include student's First, Middle and Last Name
Where Faith Formation information will be received
Address in which your child/student resides
Please list your child's birthday
Please indicate your child's place of birth
Please list any other religious education programs your child has participated in:
If applicable, please list names and grades of all siblings who are currently enrolled in Saint Philip's Faith Formation Program
The information regarding your child’s particular needs will be kept confidential and only shared with the Administrator, Director of Religious Education and your child’s Catechist.
Tell us what Sacraments your child has already received. Please select all that apply.
Please list the church, location and date for all Sacraments received below:
Family registration, please include Family Name and the Child's Last Name
Who is responsible for Religious Education?
Please include your address, occupation, religious affiliation and email below:
Are you a registered member of a Catholic Parish?
Please include your maiden name, address, occupation, religious affiliation and email below:
Are you a registered member of a Catholic Parish?
Please include your address, religious affiliation, and email below:
Are you a registered member of a Catholic Parish?
In case of an emergency and you cannot be reached.
Please include your emergency contact's phone number
Please list your emergency contact's relationship to your child
Yes, I can volunteer as a:
Please include your name and contact information including phone number, and email. Please note: all necessary clearances are required.
I give my permission to have my child/children’s photograph in the bulletin or parish website:
Please include your name for signature:
Please include today's date.
** At the conclusion of a scheduled event, such as a field trip, retreat experience or activity, the following people have permission to transport my child if I am unavailable: